Stained and leaded glass is an antique art. These are a few examples of the original work we have made in a variety of styles and techniques. For pictures of windows we have viewed or restored please review our Instagram Page.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: How does stained or leaded glass work?
A: The glass is cut into pieces which fit together like a puzzle. The pieces are held in place by a framework of lead strips. We solder the lead together and then use a gray putty to insulate and add strength to the structure.
Q: What happens to a leaded glass window and why do I need to fix it?
A: Leaded glass windows can experience catastrophic breakage from balls, hailstones, movers and so on. But even if they manage to escape those, time and the elements do have an effect that requires maintenance. The most frequent damage we see is simply aging and drying of the putty, which leads to a weakened structure, deterioration of the lead, and eventual slumping and breakage in the window.
Q: What can be done to fix it?
A: Options range from repair of the broken pieces and reconnection of broken lead to full cleaning and replacement of the old lead with all new.
Q: Can you fix a break on-site? Can you put glass back together that has been broken?
A: Small repairs can be made on-site. The process is improvised and not ideal for making large repairs, but can usually work for one pane here and there. There are techniques for covering up some cracks, but we try and make the design close to the original concept, which usually means replacing broken pieces with new glass cut to fit. Glass cannot be fused or melted back together in any way that is useful for repairs.
Q: Can you replace any piece of broken glass with the same colors and patterns?
A: We do our best to find a decent match, however the number and variety of manufacturers of art glass are only a small fraction of those from the golden age of residential glass from 1875-1920. We have found that the beauty of a well-designed stained glass window holds its integrity even with a variety of glass used in repairs.
Q: What is the difference between stained and leaded glass?
A: Stained glass is painted and fired in a kiln to incorporate different colors and designs. Leaded glass just refers to the fact that the pieces are held together in a lead framework.
Q: How much does it cost?
A: Price depends on the amount of damage, installation and removal, and the extent of repairs the client requests. One thing to keep in mind is that a leaded glass window is a delicate antique that takes 100% hand restoration at every stage. Prices for repair can start at $150/square foot, and for new construction can reach $600-$700/square foot for the most labor intensive designs, difficult installations and painted windows.